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Education Management System

Open Supreme Educational Software To Facilitate Learning

The education management system is a complete management solution for schools, colleges, universities, & training Institutes, looking after administration, supervision, and education processes.

Education Management System To Become More Innovative In Education Delivery

Smart Features Of Education Management System

School Management System - Transforming Your Educational Institutions

Student Management
Student Management

Easy To Create Student Profiles For Transparency, Academic History, And Administrative Processes.

Academics / Course Management
Academics / Course Management

Create And Share An Online Version Of The Curriculum Structure With Teachers.

Inventory Management
Inventory Management

Automatic Track Of School Or Institute Stock And Inventory With Real-Time Information.

Human Resource (HR) Management
Human Resource (HR) Management

With Central Data, HR Is Managed To Improve Skills And Gain Advantages.

Faculty Management
Faculty Management

Highly Secure For Managing Faculty’s Attendance, Payroll, Data, And Hiring Processes.

Admission Management
Admission Management

Fully Automated Complete Admission Process To Make The Whole Procedure Error-Free.

Accounting Management
Accounting Management

Keeping Fees Collection, Salary Distribution, And Finance Monitoring Easy With Account Functions.

Test / Examination Management
Test / Examination Management

Useful For Planning And Scheduling All Exams With The Results Publishing Option.

Reporting & Analytics
Reporting & Analytics

Easy And Quick Evaluation Of Student-Teacher Data To Generate Learning Outcomes Reports.

Transport Management
Transport Management

With Technology Induction, Manage School Transport More Effectively Via A Digital Platform.

Library Management
Library Management

From Book Stock Management To Online Access, Keep Every Library Function Automated.

Government Compliance
Government Compliance

Easy And Quick Evaluation Of Student-Teacher Data To Generate Learning Outcomes Reports.

How Is School Management Software Bringing Automation To Advance Education?

Educational Software - Enhancing The Quality Of Education

Education Management Information System is an online digital platform for educational institutions that centralizes data collection and ultimately gathers, organizes, and stores student information. With multiple analysis features, it auto-generates reports that help the administration to monitor the overall performance and allocate resources accordingly.

Enterprise Learning Management offers ease in various academic and managerial tasks for teachers, students, and administrators. They can track student attendance, assist learning, increase productivity, enjoy easy collaboration, and cover communication gaps for everyone. Hence, the overall ecosystem works smartly without any hassle.

Your staff doesn’t have to put extra effort into calculating salaries, fee collection, follow-up dues, or handling multiple accounts because the built-in accounting function takes good care of it.

The automatic postings of schedules and planners keep teachers and students updated regarding their upcoming projects, events, exams, and more. Moreover, data auto-analysis helps the administration improve the education system and make informed decisions.

The School Management Software is designed to digitize and automates all possible parts of the education-related activities on one or several campuses. It’s a perfect fit for all types of educational institutes that want to keep teachers, students, administrators, staff, and even parents on board.

How Is School Management Software Bringing Automation To Advance Education?

Benefits Of Enterprise Learning Management

Education Management System - Bringing Automation Into The Education Process

Better Transportation Tracking System

Better Transportation Tracking System

You always know about the real-time school transport status.

– Smart management of transportation
– Ensuring safety and constant monitoring
– Digitizing the tracking, planning, and transport assigning

Better Transportation Tracking System

Better Transportation Tracking System

You always know about the real-time school transport status.

  • Smart management of transportation
  • Ensuring safety and constant monitoring
  • Digitizing the tracking, planning, and transport assigning
Ease The Routing Attendance Process

Ease The Routing Attendance Process

No need for any manual attendance for both students and staff.

  • Quick attendance procedure
  • Easy tracking of student presence
  • Detail reports on individual attendance
Better Communication Platform

Better Communication Platform

Presence of the school, parents, and students on one platform.

  • Instant message delivery
  • Clear communication channel
  • Receive messages individually or in groups
Competent Staff Management

Competent Staff Management

Easy to manage staff information, performance, salary, and class history.

  • Separate faculty profile
  • Connected with HR Management
  • Classroom scheduling & course details
Allowing Great Flexibility In Learning

Allowing Great Flexibility In Learning

It is transforming the education system from traditional to advance.

  • Personalized learning pathways for students
  • Easy assessment and grading tools
  • Handling large courses and data smoothly
Making Everything Systematic For Institutions

Making Everything Systematic For Institutions

With multiple features & easy access automating tasks in the institutions.

  • Online exams and quick result publishing
  • Automation for time-consuming / repetitive tasks
  • Adjusting course pace as per analytical reports

Support Your Institution With An All-In-One Education Management Information System