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Cordis Lead Management Software

Lead Management Software - Optimize The Sales Strategy

Lead Management Solution automates the whole process of managing leads, from lead generation to nurturing & tracks chances to convert leads into a customer.

Get Lead Tracking Software To Drive More Sales!

Lead Management Solution Effective Features

Lead Management Software Streamlines The Sales Process

Lead Distribution
Lead Distribution

Routes, Allot And Distribute The Potential Leads To The Suitable Sales Representative.

Contact Management
Contact Management

Automatically Store The Lead Contact Information To Proceed Further With Lead Conversion.

Sales Tracking
Sales Tracking

Track The Leads Status In The Lead Conversion Pipeline To Devise Sales Strategy.

Sales Force Automation
Sales Force Automation

Manage Potential Leads, Forecast Sales And Assess Sales Rep Performance Accurately.

Client Interaction Tracking
Client Interaction Tracking

Update And Manage The Client Information On The Interaction Basis In The Database.

Sales Team Management
Sales Team Management

Assigns Leads, Analyzes Response Time And Enhances Communications Within The Team.

Commission Management
Commission Management

Assess Response Time, Calculate Sales Conversion By Employees & Calculate Commissions.

Sales Forecasting
Sales Forecasting

Analyze Lead Potential, Forecast Sales And Devise Strategy To Actualise The Forecasted Value.

Sales Report Generation
Sales Report Generation

Calculate And Analyze The Sales Generated From The Different Marketing Campaigns.

Lead Scoring
Lead Scoring

Score Lead Potential On The Basis Of Their Historic Data And Engagement Activity.

Lead Nurturing
Lead Nurturing

Nurture And Foster The Lead By Providing Educational Response And Promotional Campaigns.

Campaign Management
Campaign Management

Devising, Planning And Assessing The Entire Process Of The Effective Marketing Campaigns.

Analytics And Reporting
Analytics And Reporting

Generate Reports & Analyze Source Of Leads, Effective Strategy And Sales Rep Performance.

Why To Opt For Lead Tracking Software?

Sales Process System Improves Visibility And Brings Profit

Lead Management Solution is the crucial software for the sales process as it manages the leads and aids in turning them into loyal customers. The leads can be individual customers for an e-commerce business or contractual bulk buyers. The Sales Process System creates a pool of interested customers based on the response. It further filters out potential buyers and effectively converts them into sales through constant follow-ups.

Sales Process System adeptly handles the whole lead management process, such as lead generation, lead filtering, lead organization, and lead scoring, lead distribution and nurturing. It helps the firm to analyze the source of major lead generation and skim through the sources to gather information; it allows the business to devise a personal marketing strategy. The whole analysis by the sales process software also allows the firm to analyze the best marketing strategy for their product by calculating the return on investment on each campaign.

One of the crucial features of the sales process software is that it distributes the lead and avoids attracting duplicate leads. The assignment of leads helps in easy follow-up, and it also allows the business to identify the representatives’ response time and success rates. It is important to calculate commissions and to identify which employee is capable of more responsibilities.

Why To Opt For Lead Tracking Software?

Lead Management System Supreme Benefits

Sales Order System Results Into Satisfied Customers

Rank And Identify Leads

Rank And Identify Leads

Score the leads and filter out the non potential leads.

– Helps in devising marketing strategy
– Focus on the most valuable lead
– Helps in investing time on right leads

Rank And Identify Leads

Rank And Identify Leads

Score the leads and filter out the non potential leads.

  • Helps in devising marketing strategy
  • Focus on the most valuable lead
  • Helps in investing time on right leads
Improve The Internal Communication

Improve The Internal Communication

Enhances the communication between the sales team and avoids mismanagement.

  • Improve productivity
  • Increase profitability
  • Avoid loss due to miscommunication
Streamline The Sales Process

Streamline The Sales Process

Optimize and integrate the whole sales operation.

  • Generate more leads
  • Increase revenue
  • Effective marketing campaigns
Assess Marketing Campaigns

Assess Marketing Campaigns

Automates and calculates the Return on the marketing campaigns.

  • Helps in future decision
  • Tends to identify weakness
  • Analyze the source of leads
Maximize The Lead Generation

Maximize The Lead Generation

Assess the data of existing customers to attract more potential leads.

  • Profit maximization
  • Business growth and integration
  • Improved sales
Schedule Reminders To Convert Leads

Schedule Reminders To Convert Leads

It notifies the sales representatives about the follow up calls and emails.

  • Positive brand image
  • Retain customers
  • Easy Tracking

Hurry Up! Get A CRM Lead Management To Accurately Rank Leads