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Cordis Library Management Software

Manage Library Operations Effortlessly With Library Management Software

Automate all your library activities from managing availability of books, subscriptions, library resources, to handling memberships & all with ideal Library Management Software

Get A Library Management System To Function Your Library With Ease!

Library Management System Features

Library Automation Software Manages Library Resources Efficiently

Search Feature
Search Feature

Users And Librarians Can Digitally Track The Availability Of Books, Magazines & Articles.

Barcode Scanning
Barcode Scanning

Automatically Update The Issue Date And The Unavailability Of The Book On Scanning.

Membership Management
Membership Management

Maintain A Database Of The Members’ Information Including Name, Id And Password.

Catalog Management
Catalog Management

Organize The Books With The Name, Author, Genre And The Date Of Publishing.

Web-Based Database Management
Web-Based Database Management

Centralize All The Information On The Database That Can Be Accessed From Anywhere.

Multilingual & Multi-User Support
Multilingual & Multi-User Support

Cater To Multiple Members And Allow Them To Use The Portal In Different Languages.

User Management
User Management

Manages Multiple User Access To Resources And Maintains The Library Portals.

Library Ecard
Library Ecard

Gives Access To The Digital Resources Including Ebooks, Blogs And Audio Books.

Serials Management
Serials Management

Assign Numbers To The Library’s Resources To Effectively Track Them In The Database.

Fine And Dues Calculation
Fine And Dues Calculation

Assess Due Date And Automatically Charge Fines In The Portal To Avoid Errors.

Online Public Access Catalog
Online Public Access Catalog

Provides A List Of All The Library’s Resources To The General Public To Aid Easy Access.

Library Subscription
Library Subscription

Manages The Members Subscription And Ensures The Subscription Fees Are Paid Timely.

Digital Archive Management
Digital Archive Management

Scans, Digitizes And Manages The Resources That Provide Evidence Of The History.

Other Modules Integration
Other Modules Integration

This System Can Be Integrated With Other Modules To Ease The Library Management.

Why To Implement Library Automation Software?

Library Automation Software - Eliminates Chances Of Error

Library Management Software is the automation solution which handles all the library tasks fluently, whether its membership subscription data, books availability date or the due date information, all is done smoothly, resulting in less burden on the librarian and ensuring more accurate work in less time. The digital database Library Information Software allows both the users and the librarian to track the books available, saving time in manual searching.

Library Management System is the toolkit to improve the organization of the library as it allows the librarian to get back to the member’s queries easily. It also allows the user to edit the database and add and remove members swiftly.

Library Management System comes with a built-in template that makes the catalog of the available books and sorts them with name, genre, and author’s name to be tracked easily. Its fee collection feature is also crucial as it automatically notifies the owner when the membership fees are late and automatically charges the fine fees resulting in accurate collection of the finances.

The advanced Library Information Software is not only beneficial in sorting the books but it also manages the digital resources to be accessed by both members and the general public, resulting in increased membership.

Why To Implement Library Automation Software?

Online Library Management System Profitable Benefits

Online Library Management System - Enhance Resource Management

Digitization Of The Database

Digitization Of The Database

Digitization of the database will reduce operational costs.

– Eliminates manual dealing
– Minimize errors
– Centralize all the information

Digitization Of The Database

Digitization Of The Database

Digitization of the database will reduce operational costs.

  • Eliminates manual dealing
  • Minimize errors
  • Centralize all the information
Increase Member Engagement

Increase Member Engagement

The software can be accessed remotely with just internet availability.

  • Can be accessed from anywhere
  • Improve library credibility
  • Increase library growth
User Friendly Portal

User Friendly Portal

An easy to use system for both library staff and members.

  • Easy communication
  • Reduce technical errors
  • Alerts and notifications
Accurate Book Recording

Accurate Book Recording

Accurately maintain the books information in the database.

  • Avoid resources misplacement
  • Easy book tracking
  • Eliminates the manual entry
No More Books Theft

No More Books Theft

Keep records of books and member’s information to avoid theft.

  • Tracks records of books
  • Safeguard limited resources
  • Ensure each book issuance entry

Get Cordis Library Information Software To Seamlessly Manage Databases